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This course will provide practical tools to improve your manual therapy practice based on the principles of neuroscience, behavioral science, and psychology. 

According to neuroscience and behavioral science research, intuition can be surprisingly misleading. Three conditions must be met before you can trust your gut:

  1. you're in a predictable environment, 

  2. with regular practice and,

  3. you get immediate feedback on your judgment. 

We learn to test our intuition with data. This course will help to train your intuition by learning to minimize their implicit associations we hold, practices to activate the delta waves in our brain, and temper our clinical experience with quantifiable data. This creates a positive and co-created experience allowing client and practitioner to learn, change, and achieve client goals without practitioner burnout. Throughout this training, 

  1. You will learn to recognize when your intuition is reliable,

  2. Interpret the signs that validate your intuition, 

  3. Practice self-care techniques to train your intuition, and 

  4. Develop and evaluate tools that assist your clinical reasoning by way of your intuition

  5. Learn manual therapy techniques to assess and treat cranial nerves to test the self-care tools in a clinical setting 

All of these aspects help the practitioner avoid burnout, communicate more clearly, engage with clients more authentically, and be more creative within their practice.

The NeuroScience of Bias and Intuition

NeuroScience of Bias and Intuition: Testimonials
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