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Testimonials & Case Studies: Testimonials

“Within 18 months, I was virtually pain free, and enjoying a dramatically increased range of motion, and ease of mobility.”

T Riehle



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Our unique approach to manual and movement therapy, consistently provides significant, lasting resulting for our patients.

Below are a few recent and diverse examples of how we were able to provide increased mobility, pain relief, and peace-of-mind with a few of our patients.

TT – Age: 14 – Male

T is a 14 year old boy whose main goal is to reduce, eliminate, or gain control over the Tourette’s tics. Upon structural assessment, I found he is a normal teenage boy with normal musculoskeletal and functional development, normal likes (video gaming, sports), and a keen, inquiring mind. Through discussion, and exploration of one assessment (the single leg stance), I saw a tendency to pull with his right ear and right eye. By altering the sensory input through his auditory and visual channels, not only was the single leg stance more stable, but through ongoing practice of these sensory alterations, his tics subsided substantially for about one month.

As the tics started to return (coinciding with a decrease in practicing the sensory alteration exercises, as well as introducing CBD oil into his diet), T visited me again.  I found the sensory input had self corrected, but fatigue and stress seemed to be a cause for the increased tics. Using a Brain-Move Stress Reduction Technique, T’s system was able to rest and re-set. As reported by his parent, T’s tics have substantially reduced again.

SM – Age: 80 – Female

S is an 80 year old woman. I have known S for many years, and regularly treat her so she feels better able to maintain her life, her lifestyle. Over the years, many stories about her life have surfaced, including a bad car accident about 50 years ago. Her husband at the time was driving, and her two young children were in the back seats.

In a recent session, S talked about an unusual restriction of movement accompanied with discomfort/pain through her right arm. In fact, in assessing S, the right shoulder girdle was moving less than the left. To me it seemed to emanate from the sternum or vertebrae T4-6.

There, in fact, was restriction in the skin tissue, as well as in a variety of movements I passively took her arm through.

I took the skin of her arm through several DermoNeuroModulating (DNM)-style skin stretches and related the skin around her sternum to the skin around her arm with and without movement.  Then I brought up the old car accident for another retelling of that story. It occurred to me that her 28 year old self was still concerned about her two young children. Then, narratively, we explored and visualized how beautifully her two children had grown. This was the piece that allowed her arm to move freely.

Taking a cue from Narrative Medicine, I suggested she write a letter to her 28 year-old self, explaining how beautifully developed, grown, intelligent her children had become.

DC – Age: 30ish – Male

D is a 30ish year old man whose primary complaint was discomfort in his right arm while sleeping on the right side, and when sleeping on the left with his right arm overhead.

I found some tissue/skin restriction on the top of his shoulder, and between his armpit and neck. DNM-style skin stretches alleviated these restrictions substantially.

Between the 1st and 2nd sessions, right arm discomfort was reduced substantially but still there. While addressing the skin restrictions in his right hand, I asked D about the ski accident that then resulted in the chronic discomfort. I asked him if it would be ok to finally let go of the ski pole (which it seemed he was metaphorically still holding on to). This sensory input change resulted in even more freedom in D’s arm and his sleep pattern.

Between the 2nd and 3rd sessions, D did not practice the sensory alteration, and was not physically active due to an ongoing emotional upset. Allowing his narrative to unfold, we finally hit on his metaphor that he feels like he is in a fog. Using that metaphor, I had D push his right hand and arm into me (giving him my resistance) imagining that I was the fog. The usual restrictions he felt in his right arm were gone. D’s narrative-based homework is to write about the fog—what it looks like, what it smells like, what it feels like.

JR – Age: 76 – Female

J is a 76 year old woman who took a fall in the winter—not on ice, but on ball bearings that were used to melt the ice. Since the fall, there has been residual discomfort, mostly in sleeping through the right shoulder and arm. After freeing the skin restrictions, I used sensory input alteration through her auditory and visual channels to support her system re-learning that her tissues had in fact healed.

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